Modern Foreign Language
At Barrowby CE Primary School our aim is to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world as a multi-cultural and multi-lingual place. Our focus is on the spoken language teaching and will provide the foundation for continuing French and learning further languages as the children move onto secondary education.
Our intention is that children develop resilience in language learning as well as enjoyment of it through a challenging scheme of work. We aspire for them to acquire language learning strategies for memorisation and retrieval as well as for listening, reading and understanding. We want out children to have a sound grasp of the key sounds of the French language and their corresponding graphemes and be able to apply this knowledge when speaking, listening and reading aloud. Furthermore, it is our intention that children have a deeper understanding of cultural differences and similarities
In Key Stage 2, the children begin to learn a Modern Foreign Language and at Barrowby CE Primary School the language taught is French. We teach French through the Cave Languages Schemes of Learning where the lessons are designed to be progressive and build on prior learning, moving from word to sentence level over the four years.
Our Modern Foreign Language curriculum is implemented in the following way:
- The lesson plans are designed to be 30 minutes in length for Years 3/4 and 45 minutes in length for Years 5/6. There are follow-up activities to each lesson to increase the exposure time in a week
- The lesson plans include ideas for support for the less able and to extend the more able
- The lesson activities are challenging, varied and interactive and develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills
- Interactive whiteboard resources with audio support are provided; purchase of a set of storybooks and phonics book is a requisite to access the scheme and additional resources are recommended particularly for songs and rhymes
- The choice of vocabulary ensures exposure to all the key phonic sounds and ability to build sentences using grammatical knowledge
- In Year 6, the content allows for revisiting and consolidating prior knowledge
By the end of Key Stage 2 we aim for children to have developed an intercultural understanding of the French language. Children will have had the opportunity to engage in language learning, ahead of their journey to secondary school where their learning of Modern Foreign Languages will continue.