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Food Ambassadors

Our Food Ambassadors work with and support all our pupils to continue to raise the awareness of the impact of healthy eating.  This includes:

  • attending meetings and liaising with Mr Liversidge our Design & Technology lead;
  • review and evaluate school based strategies i.e. eating healthily and supporting Roots to Food; and
  • continue to raise awareness of the impact og eating healthy e.g. through Collective Worship, Newsletters, Presentations etc

This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed the values of:

  • Creativity: plan, prepare and  deliver acts of worship or articles/presentations;
  • Respect:  liaise with adults and children when supporting cooking related activities; and
  • Independence: be able to act responsibly e.g. engage with different children and support their needs.

In doing so, we enable all to shine and learn from one another.