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Health & Wellbeing Committee

Our Health & Well-being (Pupil) Committee work with and support all our pupils to continue to raise the awareness of mental health and positive well-being.  This includes:

  • attending meetings and liaising with Miss Lees-our Wellbeing lead;
  • review and evaluate school based strategies i.e. NHS 5 Ways to Well-being and its impact; and
  • continue to raise awareness of mental health and positive well-being.

This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed the values of:

  • Creativity: plan, prepare and  deliver workshops, clubs and acts of worship;
  • Respect:  liaise with adults and children when completing a range of activities; and
  • Independence: be able to act responsibly e.g. engage with different children and support their needs.

In doing so, we enable all to shine and learn from one another.