Sports Committee
At Barrowby CE primary School, our Sports Committee, work hard to further enhance our sport provision, through organising a range of inspirational sport activities, including intra-school competition and House Tournaments.
Our Sports Committee comprises of our:
- Year 6 House Captains; and
- Year 5 and 6 Bronze Sports Ambassadors; and
- Mrs Banfield, our PE Lead.
This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed the values of:
- Creativity: identify ways they can deliver, plan/resource intra-school competition and House Tournaments;
- Respect: liaise with PE Lead and attend Sports Committee meetings as well as act as role models for our children;
- Independence: be able to act responsibly e.g. act as coaches through PE lessons, sport/play activities and intra-school competition as well as support with the delivery of House Tournaments.
In doing so, we enable all to shine and learn from one another.