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Fundraising Committee

At Barrowby CE Primary School,  we are continually thankful for the support of our school community.  

Through a shared collective responsibility, we encourage all to make a positive contribution to society.  In this way, we hope to provide 'helping hands' for those in need. 

Our Fundriaisng Committee comprises of Year 6 pupils within the roles of:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 'Imagineers'

The Committee meet regularly to generate exciting ideas for our fundraising events in school. They are supported in organising these events by the Assistant Headteacher-Mrs Ward.

School based fundraising events include:

  • Harvest Festival
  • Christmas Fair or Summer Fair
  • Easter Trail
  • Sponsored Event
  • Ice Pole Sale

Charitable fundraising events are organised for:

  • Grantham Foodbank
  • Grantham Rotary Club
  • McMillan Cancer Research
  • Poppy Appeal
  • Children In Need

This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed the values of:

  • Creativity: identify those in need and look for ways to help;
  • Respect:  liaise with adults and children, working together for the common good;
  • Independence: be able to act responsibly e.g. organise school based events to support others.

In doing so, we enable all to shine and learn from one another.